Friday, October 28, 2011

Sustainable Couch in Eunápolis

On Friday 21st October I had the opportunity to present Sustainable Couch for a second time in Brazil!
This happened in Eunápolis, a small city in Bahia where I surfed for 2 days the couch of the only couchsurfer there, Rodrigo. Being a sustainability professor at a federal college, he invited me to present my project in front of his class.
So during the day I tried to train my Portuguese for the event! On a late Friday evening - from 9 to 10 pm - I started giving an introduction of what CouchSurfing is (no one of them knew about it), followed by the presentation of the Vienna Sustainability Groupd and Sustainable Couch. In the end, I also presented some pictures about my sustainable surfing & volunteering experience in the Chapada Diamantina.
The audience seeemed very interested and I feld very confortable while talking. A few questions were posed, but many people were already thinking about the weekend and ran away right at the end ;-)
Overall, a very positive experience for me: I am learning more and more with every presentation!
Thanks Rodrigo for the invitation and for hosting me!

 An audience of nearly 40 people listening to my presentation on a late Friday evening!
Speaking Portuguese with the helo of Spanish, Italian, English words...and of my hands!

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