Sunday, June 3, 2012

One month in Perú: the highlights

Time flies...oh yes!! The 4 weeks I spent in Perú went by so quickly! At the same time, I had so intense, spectacular days in this wonderful country that it is difficult to describe them with words.
Once again, I will just list a few of the most memorable moments I spent there, then I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
I spent the first days in the wonderful Parracas, a desert coastal area with amazing views and the astonishing Islas Ballestras, called "the Galapagos of the poor", where I could see thousands of birds and many Humboldt penguins and sea lions :-)
I then enjoyed a beautiful week in the capital, Lima. Hosted by two amazing couchsurfers, I got very active in the local CS group and together with other people I created a Free Box. We presented that during the weekly meeting and it was a great success.
From Lima, which is on the coast, I moved to Cusco, 3500 meters a.s.l. I spent q0 unforgettable days there and in the Valle Sacrado, crowning this experience with the visit to the magnificent Machu Picchu!
The last days were at 4000 meters on the Peruvian side of the lake Titicaca and I will never forget the beauty of the Amantaní Island.

Altogether, a spectacular month which I really enjoyed. Thanks to all the people who hosted me and I hope to be able to visit also the north of Perú one day!

Here you can the: Best-Of Perú: 50 pics

The wonderful coast of Paracas

Free Box in Lima

Machu Picchu